Saturday 3 May 2008

Face Tatoo, Chin Tribe from Myanmar

The animists living on the hill-side near Teetain, Khanti, Mintat are well known for their Inked-spotted face. The back ground story goes like this; Chin ladies are the most beautiful among other nationalities, and they were always chosen as concubine by the Burmese's King during Burmese Kingdom. They therefore spotted their beautiful face with ink in order to escape the above affair. These people held the New Year in Myanmar Thitinkyut (October), they pay respect to their Nats (Spirits) by sacrificing Ox, Buffalos and other animals.
Chin Tribe is Located in North West part of Myanmar. Being the hilly region, the weather is always cool and fresh, and gets heavy rain as it is very close with bay of Bengal. The state is hilly region, and seldom to see the plain land, Mt Victoria which is assumes that an old volcano and it is about 10400' in high. In northern, there is Mt Kennedy, which has 8871 ' high, are very famous. There are four kinds of Chin races. They are Tidim, Hakha, Falam, Min-tup Chin. The principal Chin clans of the Tiddim area are the Thado, Kanhow, Sokte, and Siyin. A wide variety of languages and dialects spoken, and the language of one village may be intelligible to a village a few miles away. Because Chin State is hilly and access is difficult, there is a slight difference in languages respectively. A large majority of the people are Chins, Mros (Mago), Khamis and Bamars from significant parts in Southern and western part of Chin State. Their livelihood depends on the agriculture system is step by step the hillside cultivation and breeding. They don’t have their own Literature but invented from Greece Alphabet.

At higher elevations they wear thick, striped cotton blankets draped over the body, and copper and bronze ornaments. Among the Khamui, a sub-tribe that inhabits the lower elevations of southern Chin State, unmarried women wear short skirts and little else. Chin men tend to wear simple Western-style dress. Majority of the people are Christians.

In livestock breeding, some have to aim for meals and some have to aim for sacrificing to spirit. Most people are very interesting in hunting and most are skillful hunter, in one saying, all adult men must be perfected in hunting experience. If you visit to Chin house, you will surely see the bones, shells, and other pieces of wild animals and their traditional weapons. They indicate the braveness, courage and experiences of their hunting .Seeking medicinal orchid, plants, honey , and fishing are their main economy and habit.
Weaving in traditional method are the proud of ladies, they produce quality products of hand make blanket, clothes, and other useful things, In Chin state there are no special market expect in big town of Chin state. If they want to sell their material they put their things to the big cane basket and going around to all villages and sell with cash or exchange methods. In Chin hills some women still have traditionally tattooed faces, though it’s a custom that’s fading fast. In days of yore, the girls who were above 14-15 ages, had to be tattooed to their face. They assume that, by tattooing on face, they can recognize and choose their children, even though their children were lost the ways in deep forest and separated from them.
But some say that, Chin ladies are the most beautiful among other nationalities, and the Burmese's King always chose them as concubine during Burmese Kingdom. They therefore spotted their beautiful face with ink in order to escape the above affair.

These people held the New Year in (October), they pay respect to their Nats (Spirits) by sacrificing Ox, Buffaloes and other animals. The other festival are harvest festivals, Spirits sacrificing festivals concerning with the agriculture, Victory ceremony, Bull fighting festival, the party for congratulating to victors and winners, are the congratulate to victors party are the famous for Chin state. They use to hold their festival with traditional dance.
Mt Victoria is the famous sites for hiker and trekkers. Mt. Victoria (10500 ft) is the southern outpost of Himalayas, isolated and possesses many species birds and plants, offers a great opportunity for bird watching activities. It is quite attractive sceneries with numerous kinds of native birds. Mt.Victoria is in Mind at; in Chin State situated at sea level 4860 ft. The temperature is cool year round and pleasant. Overnight will be in a bungalow with basic but comfortable accommodations. The surroundings of Mind at has semi-cultivated land with some areas of pine forest. Weather is cool and pleasant all year round. Throughout the way in lower elevations we will be walking in secondary vegetation with patches of semi cultivated areas and pine forest. The forest above 7000 ft is a pristine broad leaf evergreen forest with patches of small bamboo. Forest type above 9000 ft is mostly oaks and rhododendrons and some grasses lands. At the Chin village, there is an opportunity to observe way of life in Chin tribe. It is quite attractive sceneries with numerous kinds of native birds.

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